Who May Apply for an Early Mail Ballot
Any registered voter may apply for an early mail ballot. Each person must apply for themselves. It is a felony to make a false statement in an application for an early mail ballot, to attempt to cast an illegal ballot, or to help anyone to cast an illegal ballot.
How to Apply for an Early Mail Ballot You may apply for an early mail ballot in any of the following ways:
Apply online.
If you have a print disability, which means any disability that interferes with the effective reading, writing, or use of printed material, and require a ballot with accessible features you may apply using the online Accessible Ballot Application portal. Print disabilities include blindness, low vision, dyslexia, dysgraphia, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities that limit writing abilities. For more information, see the Accessible Ballot section below.
By going in-person to your local county board of elections
By designating another person to deliver your application in-person to your local county board of elections and receive your ballot
You can download a PDF version of the New York State Early Mail Ballot Application Form using the links below:
When is it Due?
Applications requesting to receive an early mail ballot must be received by the board of elections in your county no later than ten days before the election. For early mail ballots to be received in-person, applications must be received by your board no later than the day before the election